We're studying Ireland,St Patrick,owls (fiar Owl moon) and still the Little House Series. We'll be dissecting Owl pellets as soon as the kits arrive. Glad Chris is looking forward to the pellets. We did them with Ike and Nadia yuck!
Here is a playlist I created for owls
Click here to view playlist
and another playlist I created for the movie Patrick and other St Patrick's day videos. LOVE this movie it's such an eye opener about who Patrick was.
Click here for Playlist
Some crafts and cooking we did.
Irish stew,interesting titbit about it. We found out the reason why the Irish stewed a lot was they were hiding the meat under the vegetables so the tax collectors wouldn't see all the meat. Apparently if you were rich enough to cook with meat,you had to pay more taxes. Also our normal cornbeef and cabbage St Pat meal is an American dish. LOL Irish immigrants mixing with Russians in America is how that dish came about.

Wow, that is some kind of cake lady! I didn't know that about the meat, very interesting, love learning something new. Happy St. Patty's Day to you and yours!