I like that. :)
Ok today I'm grateful for books. I LOVE to read and most days you can find me with my face buried in a book. I read a mix of novels and any number of non fiction books. I usually have any where from 5 to 10 books I am currently reading.
Right now here's what on my bedside table.
Unconditional parenting (It looks at what kids need and how we meet those needs vs. the more traditional parenting of ,how can we get kids to do what we want.)

Happiness now (about choosing to be happy)
Trading Places (marriage book on empathy for your partner)

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
With the kid's I are reading any number of picture books,Naughty Sister books (They LOVE these!!!) and Popper's Penguins. Shirley Hughes is hands down my favorite children's author and Illustrator. She didn't write these stories but they are close in style to her own. We LOVE them.

Lately for novels, any number of Norah Roberts books LOL These are like candy I'm a fast reader so I can finish one in a night or two. I have to laugh at my reading these super fluffy books. I was such a snob a few months ago chatting with my family, laughing at romance novels. Well these are a blend of a bit of romance and thriller. I was chatting with a librarian who also loves Norah Roberts when another librarian looked over to see who we were talking about and she did an obvious snobby Oh.... LOL! Remember a while ago when I said when ever I'm being snobby or judgmental it seems God always has it come back at me. Well.... LOL These are great though when I'm tired ,stressed from the day and just need to relax. Like I said to the librarian it's just the stage of life we're in, need to relax after taking care of all these little ones. Norah Roberts is so fluffy,it's relaxing and slightly better then TV. LOL! Plus my husband doesn't mind I usually feel gushy after reading a good love story,it makes me appreciate him.
Oh and I think I finally decided on the color for the Bathroom. I think it would look neat with a gallery of 5x5 images I took in Florida of Daytona Beach along with the silly images I have of the kids already in there(wide angle close up of Francesca's sandy beach feet and close up of ollie lower face playing with his brightly colored trucks making the truck noise it has a bit of motion blur on his lips it's a riot)

Oh I LOVE the colors Danielle!
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow read-aholic and a romance snob I had to laugh at your post.
My Mom is buying me my hearts desire for a Christmas present, an e-reader. I am still torn but this one is tops on my list..
Ohhh that is awesome! You'll have to let me know how you like it. I'm green!