I'm having one of those days....
I could list all the reasons and they are reasonable but I won't. Instead I'm going to force myself to write 10 things I'm grateful for this week.
1. My mother in law calling me seeing how I was doing about my Dad. She made me cry. I swear she is one of the sweetest persons I know.
2. How good I felt after therapy yesterday. It's amazing how draining pain is. For a while yesterday I had a ray of sunshine.
3. The smell of my forced bulbs all lined up along my windowsills. The smell is just heavenly in my kitchen.
a capture taken this week
4. The songs of the birds. When we first build this house there were no birds seriously none. I don't know if the building scared them away or what. But now a few years and tons of birdseed later I have TONS of birds and I hear them even in the winter.
5.The smell of the fresh air... I love sleeping with my windows open again.
6. I am married to a man I truly love. That it never seems to get dull it just evolves through seasons.
7. for the mess.... there it is It drives me nuts specially having one gimpy arm. I'm having to scale back all my plans. But I know some day I will miss the crazy unexpected twisted busyness of life as it is now. Mess=life and we have PLENTY of that here.
8. For little people that come in the night for reassurance. That I'm the one that gets to hold them ,smelling sweet,warm and soft.
9.For a God who motivates me to love
10. I'm thankful that in remembering to be thankful I've become thankful. :)
A couple of Sebastian's B day. This was the family party in a couple of weeks we'll do his friend one.
This boy is such a geek. LOL He was way more excited to get a pad of paper,journals and books then he was for any of the "fun stuff" like his new bike. Seriously he asked for a stapler for Christmas. LOL
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