I never would have thought a month ago that our lives would change so much so quickly. Our lives seemed to be plodding along a certain path. Before all this happened I saw this quote that just really spoke to me. It made me hungry for an adventure...

And then the next thing you know our world is being turned upside down.Chris and I believe it might be an answer to prayer,prayers we've been praying for a LONG time.
I love this one too ,so perfect for how I feel right now

I know everything isn't going to be peachy in Australia. It will be ups and downs just like here. We might be taking a chance where we will get more downs then ups, but then again it might be the most wonderful experience in the world. Either way we are up for it!
As usual this month we did a LOT of walking. Nadia took this one. She's been really pushing to get me in more photos. Ugh!

The month started out with a lovely vacation up in NH. We leaf peeked,picked apples,went on hikes,tubed the river,fished etc... Unfortunately all the pictures from the vacation I'm having a hard time removing so I'll be back in another post hopefully with some.

I did not take really any pics of what we did this month.
I need to get better about taking pictures. So all I have is a few and a shot of the alphabet pictures I've been drawing. I am planning on doing some thing with them, for Olli when we're done. I'm not sure yet what but I'm taking pictures anyway. :)

That is it for now hopefully I will be back with NH pics and stories!