The Nature Connection
Great nature book
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May Baskets
Well I guess it's been a while LOL! Trying to follow parts of the Reggio Emilia Approach and start documenting everything. So this is the first post hopefully that will keep coming. I'm not going to drive myself crazy thinking about grammar or content etc.. I'm hopefully going to post a lot of bad photos LOL I have to let go of the perfectionist in me if I'm going to do this.
As far as how life is going... Well Isaac is doing great,loving college. Nadia is feeling a bit lost right now ,not sure what she wants to do. So she is going to try taking some local classes at 4C and at a local art studio. Sebastian had his first "adult" bday. All of his presents save the video games were grown up ones. Francesca is still creating,creating,creating. Olli is out growing his baby stage... Last month he gave up his teddy after some boys picked on him. :( Chris is still working towards us moving to Australia. He had kind of a rough summer. He caught my mono. He seems to be getting back to himself thank goodness. He is such a trooper that I know now I have to watch out for him. We would not have even known he had mono if I hadn't insisted he go to the doctors. As for yours truly, I've been feeling more and more like myself. After they put me on that stretch of antibiotics 99% of the pain in my body has gone. I still get some in my neck which is where the pain originally started but even that seems to be slowly getting better. But more then the pain gone I am starting to feel like I did before I had Francesca. I still get tired easy but it feels like a natural tired that I just need to work on endurance. I don't know if I will ever get back to running 5 miles a day but it does seem like maybe I could walk five miles :) some day. The biggest clue is my hair is starting to get curly again(for those that have only known me recently my hair was naturally curly all my life up until I started feeling sick). For so long there I was barely hanging on. It's so nice to feel like I can vs just surviving.
One thing I have learned through all of this is you have to watch your own health. My brother recently was going through something and I told him it sounds like kidney issues (which I've dealt with on and off) . The way he sounded so disoriented was a big clue for me. His doctor gave him the brush off big time and the next thing you know he's in the hospital and might have to be on digitalis for life. It makes me so angry when doctors ignore people or worse treat them like they are a hypochondriac.
So there you have the latest and now I'll start with the documenting. Olli seems finally interested in more then just reading, so we're going to be digging a bit deeper with him. The cool thing about waiting till the kids are ready is they pick up so quickly and are at "grade" level so fast. Waldorf schools which boast that 90% of their grads go on to higher learning say that often the students that started the slowest ,ended the strongest. Really a different mindset but you really have to dig into the why's and I can't explain it all here even if I wanted too. A great video to watch as to why they teaching reading later (reading proficiency is not expected until the third grade) and a good simple why article here
Some more pics from today I meant to take more of the actual work but forgot.... I"ll keep trying!
(Francesca delivering May baskets with flowers from our yard. She looks so big it's scary! I guess I haven't taken pictures in a while....)
(We made some beanies today with rainbow thread. Then we had lots of fun doing hands on learning with them.)
Wow long start LOL probably be the longest for while though so bare with me.
As far as how life is going... Well Isaac is doing great,loving college. Nadia is feeling a bit lost right now ,not sure what she wants to do. So she is going to try taking some local classes at 4C and at a local art studio. Sebastian had his first "adult" bday. All of his presents save the video games were grown up ones. Francesca is still creating,creating,creating. Olli is out growing his baby stage... Last month he gave up his teddy after some boys picked on him. :( Chris is still working towards us moving to Australia. He had kind of a rough summer. He caught my mono. He seems to be getting back to himself thank goodness. He is such a trooper that I know now I have to watch out for him. We would not have even known he had mono if I hadn't insisted he go to the doctors. As for yours truly, I've been feeling more and more like myself. After they put me on that stretch of antibiotics 99% of the pain in my body has gone. I still get some in my neck which is where the pain originally started but even that seems to be slowly getting better. But more then the pain gone I am starting to feel like I did before I had Francesca. I still get tired easy but it feels like a natural tired that I just need to work on endurance. I don't know if I will ever get back to running 5 miles a day but it does seem like maybe I could walk five miles :) some day. The biggest clue is my hair is starting to get curly again(for those that have only known me recently my hair was naturally curly all my life up until I started feeling sick). For so long there I was barely hanging on. It's so nice to feel like I can vs just surviving.
One thing I have learned through all of this is you have to watch your own health. My brother recently was going through something and I told him it sounds like kidney issues (which I've dealt with on and off) . The way he sounded so disoriented was a big clue for me. His doctor gave him the brush off big time and the next thing you know he's in the hospital and might have to be on digitalis for life. It makes me so angry when doctors ignore people or worse treat them like they are a hypochondriac.
So there you have the latest and now I'll start with the documenting. Olli seems finally interested in more then just reading, so we're going to be digging a bit deeper with him. The cool thing about waiting till the kids are ready is they pick up so quickly and are at "grade" level so fast. Waldorf schools which boast that 90% of their grads go on to higher learning say that often the students that started the slowest ,ended the strongest. Really a different mindset but you really have to dig into the why's and I can't explain it all here even if I wanted too. A great video to watch as to why they teaching reading later (reading proficiency is not expected until the third grade) and a good simple why article here
Some more pics from today I meant to take more of the actual work but forgot.... I"ll keep trying!
(Francesca delivering May baskets with flowers from our yard. She looks so big it's scary! I guess I haven't taken pictures in a while....)
(We made some beanies today with rainbow thread. Then we had lots of fun doing hands on learning with them.)
Wow long start LOL probably be the longest for while though so bare with me.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sadly I don't have any group shots in other years we did it inside so I didn't grab my flash. So nothing really came out well,oh well. I could of pulled out my phone if I hadn't lost it again.... Darn thing I need a tether for it.
Found a great blog this past month. It has monthly units. I love when units are all put together for me so helpful when I'm schooling so many. So here is a shout out to website that the units look great want to try!! I'm entering their contest and hope I win!
Check them out. :)
Friday, October 21, 2011

I never would have thought a month ago that our lives would change so much so quickly. Our lives seemed to be plodding along a certain path. Before all this happened I saw this quote that just really spoke to me. It made me hungry for an adventure...

And then the next thing you know our world is being turned upside down.Chris and I believe it might be an answer to prayer,prayers we've been praying for a LONG time.
I love this one too ,so perfect for how I feel right now

I know everything isn't going to be peachy in Australia. It will be ups and downs just like here. We might be taking a chance where we will get more downs then ups, but then again it might be the most wonderful experience in the world. Either way we are up for it!
As usual this month we did a LOT of walking. Nadia took this one. She's been really pushing to get me in more photos. Ugh!

The month started out with a lovely vacation up in NH. We leaf peeked,picked apples,went on hikes,tubed the river,fished etc... Unfortunately all the pictures from the vacation I'm having a hard time removing so I'll be back in another post hopefully with some.

I did not take really any pics of what we did this month.
I need to get better about taking pictures. So all I have is a few and a shot of the alphabet pictures I've been drawing. I am planning on doing some thing with them, for Olli when we're done. I'm not sure yet what but I'm taking pictures anyway. :)

That is it for now hopefully I will be back with NH pics and stories!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Fall is here
LOL not a post all summer. To be honest this is the first summer ever I am ready to move on. I spent most of the summer sick and in pain. It was a really depressing summer. I finally feel like a some what normal person and I'm ready for a change. So for once I'm ready for fall,school,snuggling in,all of it.

Ike is gone. He went to Liberty University in Virgina,a part of 72,000 students! 'm beyond excited for him. He's loving the college life so far. It's cool with google skype we've been able to see his dorm room and "meet" his roommates. We didn't go down with him. He went down with a friend who is also going there. He's greatly missed!!! I joke though with friends that I cried on and off after he left until.... I cleaned his room! OMG years of hoarding even after he "cleaned" his room it took me two days to get the thing fully cleaned.

It's kind of funny we started going back to the church he continued to attend(after we left) but now he's gone and we are there. That was also part of my sadness this summer. I love that church and think the pastors there are fantastic,people fantastic. But... we never really had the connection we had with our old church. So we looked around a bit and never really found a place we could call home. We stayed at a lovely church for over year I think almost two, but in the end decided to go back to our old church. The old churches style of teaching really works for us ,we learned so much there. Life changing stuff, we missed their bible studies a lot. So I feel a bit like I'm taking steps backward but it's the best choice for us right now. The sad thing is now we're going to miss seeing some of the people we met when were at that church we went to for a while. Life is never perfect it's always messy. I'm so grateful for all 3 churches and their ministry. Just really missing how church felt more like a family and we really knew each other. We've talked to so many people who left our first church and we all say we can not find the same connection again. It's funny the longer I'm around the more I realize that every church has it's strengths and weaknesses just like people. So all three churches now have a part of my heart and I will miss the ones ,we aren't attending.

Nothing really exciting happened this summer with the kids. We started a tree house. Francesca learn to ride without training wheels. I feel like it was a bum summer for them too because we didn't do nearly as much as we normally do. We are going camping soon so at least we did manage that. Camping in the fall seems to becoming a tradition with us anyway. It's a really nice time to camp. But we didn't make it to six flags and barely went to the beach. The meds I was on really caused me to burn ( I wasn't even supposed to be out in the sun...) even with high sunblock I really had to watch it. We do have a pool so at least there was that. The kids had a blast filling up the blow up pool I bought and putting it at the bottom of the slide. They spent hours and hours with that. They helped me in the garden quite a bit,even starting their own plants this year. Oh we now have chickens! They have started to lay so it's really fun to go out everyday and get the eggs.
Favorite book for the summer,This Life Is In Your Hands.
It's a biography about Eliot Coleman written by his daughter. If you don't know him he's a gardener whose research and methods are really changed the way people farm organically and seasonally. I've read a number of his books so I was curious. It's funny before I read the book I read some reviews and it's really interesting how differently people think. The reviews I read made them out to be the worst parents really neglectful and weird. Franky I agree with a lot of how they parented. I think kids should have lots of down time and freedom especially outdoors. I've always been accused of being a "hippie" with weird ideas so I guess I can see part of where they were coming from. I don't agree with all they did. I think some of their lifestyle was bit much for kids but I think I would rather have my kids growing up around that then the close minded box type people. I think the thing that really touched me about the book was the mom's story. You could tell in the beginning they were so hopeful. They wanted a beautiful life for their family. But then life crowded in and things became too much for both of them. It's sad to see a family slowly fall apart. Sad that in part it was their desire for a perfect life that brought it about.
My favorite Movie of the summer,The Music Never Stopped.

Pretty much a movie about learning to listen ,really listen and how much you discover when you do. I think so often we think we are listening but aren't. Sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around someone else's thoughts specially when we have preconceived ideas about them. I hate when people think they have you pegged. Please you see me maybe a few min every week and you think you know me? But the worst thing is I consistently catch myself doing just that! I love movies that inspire me deeply and this one did.
Favorite new album of the summer, ugh hard to choose!! I guess Ben L'Oncle since he was my go to album LOL The great thing is he's recorded both in french and English.
Been searching for some Christian music I would like and found some great ones. I am kind of sick of the life is hard but I love the lord anyway theme. I mean you could get depressed listening to Christian music really! But I can connect with this one so, one life is tough song is ok sandwiched in between my happy music.
Out on the farthest edge
There in the silence
You were there
My faith was torn to shreds
Heart in the balance
And You were there
Always faithful, always good
You still have me
You still have my heart
I thought I had seen the end
Everything broken
But You were there
I've wandered at heaven's gates
I've made my bed in hell
You were there still
Always faithful, always good
You still have me
You still have my heart
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
to end it right a happy Christian song. :) Nadia is so sick of this one... I've way over played it! LOL

Ike is gone. He went to Liberty University in Virgina,a part of 72,000 students! 'm beyond excited for him. He's loving the college life so far. It's cool with google skype we've been able to see his dorm room and "meet" his roommates. We didn't go down with him. He went down with a friend who is also going there. He's greatly missed!!! I joke though with friends that I cried on and off after he left until.... I cleaned his room! OMG years of hoarding even after he "cleaned" his room it took me two days to get the thing fully cleaned.

It's kind of funny we started going back to the church he continued to attend(after we left) but now he's gone and we are there. That was also part of my sadness this summer. I love that church and think the pastors there are fantastic,people fantastic. But... we never really had the connection we had with our old church. So we looked around a bit and never really found a place we could call home. We stayed at a lovely church for over year I think almost two, but in the end decided to go back to our old church. The old churches style of teaching really works for us ,we learned so much there. Life changing stuff, we missed their bible studies a lot. So I feel a bit like I'm taking steps backward but it's the best choice for us right now. The sad thing is now we're going to miss seeing some of the people we met when were at that church we went to for a while. Life is never perfect it's always messy. I'm so grateful for all 3 churches and their ministry. Just really missing how church felt more like a family and we really knew each other. We've talked to so many people who left our first church and we all say we can not find the same connection again. It's funny the longer I'm around the more I realize that every church has it's strengths and weaknesses just like people. So all three churches now have a part of my heart and I will miss the ones ,we aren't attending.

Nothing really exciting happened this summer with the kids. We started a tree house. Francesca learn to ride without training wheels. I feel like it was a bum summer for them too because we didn't do nearly as much as we normally do. We are going camping soon so at least we did manage that. Camping in the fall seems to becoming a tradition with us anyway. It's a really nice time to camp. But we didn't make it to six flags and barely went to the beach. The meds I was on really caused me to burn ( I wasn't even supposed to be out in the sun...) even with high sunblock I really had to watch it. We do have a pool so at least there was that. The kids had a blast filling up the blow up pool I bought and putting it at the bottom of the slide. They spent hours and hours with that. They helped me in the garden quite a bit,even starting their own plants this year. Oh we now have chickens! They have started to lay so it's really fun to go out everyday and get the eggs.
Favorite book for the summer,This Life Is In Your Hands.

It's a biography about Eliot Coleman written by his daughter. If you don't know him he's a gardener whose research and methods are really changed the way people farm organically and seasonally. I've read a number of his books so I was curious. It's funny before I read the book I read some reviews and it's really interesting how differently people think. The reviews I read made them out to be the worst parents really neglectful and weird. Franky I agree with a lot of how they parented. I think kids should have lots of down time and freedom especially outdoors. I've always been accused of being a "hippie" with weird ideas so I guess I can see part of where they were coming from. I don't agree with all they did. I think some of their lifestyle was bit much for kids but I think I would rather have my kids growing up around that then the close minded box type people. I think the thing that really touched me about the book was the mom's story. You could tell in the beginning they were so hopeful. They wanted a beautiful life for their family. But then life crowded in and things became too much for both of them. It's sad to see a family slowly fall apart. Sad that in part it was their desire for a perfect life that brought it about.
My favorite Movie of the summer,The Music Never Stopped.

Pretty much a movie about learning to listen ,really listen and how much you discover when you do. I think so often we think we are listening but aren't. Sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around someone else's thoughts specially when we have preconceived ideas about them. I hate when people think they have you pegged. Please you see me maybe a few min every week and you think you know me? But the worst thing is I consistently catch myself doing just that! I love movies that inspire me deeply and this one did.
Favorite new album of the summer, ugh hard to choose!! I guess Ben L'Oncle since he was my go to album LOL The great thing is he's recorded both in french and English.
BEN L'ONCLE SOUL from yamoy on Vimeo.
BEN L'ONCLE SOUL -SOULMAN- English Version (Official Music Video) from // Videodrome on Vimeo.
Been searching for some Christian music I would like and found some great ones. I am kind of sick of the life is hard but I love the lord anyway theme. I mean you could get depressed listening to Christian music really! But I can connect with this one so, one life is tough song is ok sandwiched in between my happy music.
Out on the farthest edge
There in the silence
You were there
My faith was torn to shreds
Heart in the balance
And You were there
Always faithful, always good
You still have me
You still have my heart
I thought I had seen the end
Everything broken
But You were there
I've wandered at heaven's gates
I've made my bed in hell
You were there still
Always faithful, always good
You still have me
You still have my heart
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
You have me, You have me
You have my heart completely
to end it right a happy Christian song. :) Nadia is so sick of this one... I've way over played it! LOL
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Update a tiny bit
Well thank goodness it's summer! My garden got a real slow start this year. First I hurt myself and couldn't work,then we went away for a vacation and then I hurt myself again. But it's getting there...
I expanded the flower beds around most of the house. Put in four more veg beds and two lazy beds. I'm trying my hand at upside pot gardening. I think they look ugly but I found some kits really cheap so I thought what the heck. The kids had fun planting them. They loved how the soil grew ,coconut compressed soil you add water to so it expands into a growing medium.
I'm putting in a lavender bed in the land before you hit our flower beds that divide the front.I think it will do really well there,lavender loves sunny dry soil and if it does I'm going to go ahead with my meadow front yard plan. I am soooo sick of grass it just doesn't grow well on the cape unless you really work at it and I'd rather spend my time growing other things. I've been reading a few books and I think it will really suit both my style and our environment. The picture below you can kind of get the idea of what I am thinking but I'll use plants mostly native to the Cape.

After the meadows then the front flower beds and trees (which I might eventually turn into meadow too)come my vegetable beds and the finished plan is to kind of look like this when it's done. I want to put in a very small shed for my tools and a potting bench. I don't like sharing a shed with the boys they are messy and I have to climb over all their junk to get to my tools.
I want to put in an herb garden on the left side yard. I've been drooling over a local musuem's circular herb bed for years now and really really want one of my own! I have some herbs nestled among the perennial beds but I really want to add and learn more about medicinal herbs. I haven't worked out the design yet,something along the line of the garden below but less rigid. I might splurge and get bricks for the path,they remind me so much of my Grandma's garden.
We're also bringing down the big trees right in the front (all but Francesca's climbing tree and replacing them with dwarf fruit trees but I probably wont' do that till spring because I want to put in a greenhouse this fall and I can't over load Chris with too many things.
So that is all nothing hugely interesting going on right now. Just that life is soooo sweet despite all it's imperfections!
I expanded the flower beds around most of the house. Put in four more veg beds and two lazy beds. I'm trying my hand at upside pot gardening. I think they look ugly but I found some kits really cheap so I thought what the heck. The kids had fun planting them. They loved how the soil grew ,coconut compressed soil you add water to so it expands into a growing medium.

I'm putting in a lavender bed in the land before you hit our flower beds that divide the front.I think it will do really well there,lavender loves sunny dry soil and if it does I'm going to go ahead with my meadow front yard plan. I am soooo sick of grass it just doesn't grow well on the cape unless you really work at it and I'd rather spend my time growing other things. I've been reading a few books and I think it will really suit both my style and our environment. The picture below you can kind of get the idea of what I am thinking but I'll use plants mostly native to the Cape.

After the meadows then the front flower beds and trees (which I might eventually turn into meadow too)come my vegetable beds and the finished plan is to kind of look like this when it's done. I want to put in a very small shed for my tools and a potting bench. I don't like sharing a shed with the boys they are messy and I have to climb over all their junk to get to my tools.

I want to put in an herb garden on the left side yard. I've been drooling over a local musuem's circular herb bed for years now and really really want one of my own! I have some herbs nestled among the perennial beds but I really want to add and learn more about medicinal herbs. I haven't worked out the design yet,something along the line of the garden below but less rigid. I might splurge and get bricks for the path,they remind me so much of my Grandma's garden.
We're also bringing down the big trees right in the front (all but Francesca's climbing tree and replacing them with dwarf fruit trees but I probably wont' do that till spring because I want to put in a greenhouse this fall and I can't over load Chris with too many things.
So that is all nothing hugely interesting going on right now. Just that life is soooo sweet despite all it's imperfections!
Friday, April 22, 2011
beautiful people or nonentities

This post started out as a sharing at Facebook. I started sharing a Jason Upton song I love (which I was reminded of by this post Unconditional) and well my thoughts just got longer and longer so I decided to post it here instead.
video I was going to share
I love Jason Upton's words and spirit. He's the only Christian artist that I really can connect with. I don't even really like his style of music but it's his words that move me.

He sings about the biblical God one that is close ,quick to forgive not wanting to judge. Instead of the usual rhetoric of a far away huge God that you should feel obligated to sing worship songs(ugh hate most worship music!!!!) to, a God that is just waiting for his chance to stomp on you at the judgement day... or sooner.

Jason sings of a God that doesn't call you to some "christian mold" but one that celebrates diversity,isn't afraid of it,he created it. The live living exciting God of the bible. True Christianity that forgiveness/love is the core of. His music calls me back reminds me that I am never more like God then when I forgive and love. I'm not saying I'm there (all loving the perfect Christian haha what a thought!!)but rather that I am reminded of it and it changes me.
" We love because he first loved us."" Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love "1 John 4
When I look up the definition of love, it isn't trying to mold people into what your idea of the perfect Christian is. It's looking for and seeing the beauty,the worth of another and because of that insight, you naturally would care what is happening with them. A huge difference from the usual indifference from much of the church. On Sundays,people file in and people file out or maybe even worse is deciding who someone is based on your pea sized experience of life,not really getting to know them.

My daughter's boyfriend was really impressed when a local church (he had to visit different churches for a paper he was writing for school,Christian college) cared enough to ask Tommy about his life. Though the guy needs to work on his listening skills. Tommy didn't need to pray but he was dragged up to the altar anyway. Still I don't think people have to be perfect ,Tommy sensed the guy meant well and that was enough. He cared enough to ask Tommy for his number and actually followed through calling him. Chris and I have been to churches that no one even said one single hi.

It was heart breaking to me when I read a quote by Vincent Van Gogh
"What am I in the eyes of most people - a nonentity, an eccentric or an unpleasant person - somebody who has no position in society and never will have, in short, the lowest of the low.
All right, then - even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart.

No one during his lifetime saw his beauty,his unique worth. Even now people say his work was demonic which is amazing if you really knew his life. He only painted when he was sane. He killed himself,heartbroken at the peak of his abilities. So many masterpieces the world will never know because we didn't value ,love etc.. We look at life and people by the molds that are currently valued. Van Gogh during his time, didn't fit the currently favored values. Are we really seeing what is valuable or missing so much of it? Please don't think this is a preach at you thing it's a preach at me. I'm often so quick to do exactly what bothers me the most. Ironic isn't it? It's seeing,remembering my own failings that despite them God still wants to know me. That is what makes it easier for me to forgive,have grace.

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